By tourist on April 4, 2015
Chaves, Heritage, Religious tourism

This church dates from the eighteenth century, and was built during the reign of King João V, its patron and supporter, whose coat of arms is included in the doorway. At first it was a church adjoining a military hospital supported by the brothers of São João de Deus, and which contained a Theatre of […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015
Chaves, Religious tourism

Dating from the end of the seventeenth century, it was built in Baroque style with Renaissance elements. It is said that this was the chapel of the palace of the Dukes of Bragança. Its single nave is covered with decorated tiles from the eighteenth century, showing biblical scenes and motifs. Other important features are its […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015
Chaves, Religious tourism

Romanesque in origin, the church is thought to have been built over a Roman temple in the time of Bishop Idacio. The first historical reference to the church dates from 1259, with the tower and porch from this period still standing. It was restored during the reign of João III (in the sixteenth century), based […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015
museu militar
Chaves, Go, Know, See, Slider

Opened in 1978 to commemorate the celebration of nineteen centuries of the existence of the local council of Chaves, the museum is located in the mediaeval keep, offering an exhaustive display of the military history of Portugal, Chaves and its most relevant events and figures. It contains four rooms: on the first floor is the […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015
Chaves, Heritage

This museum, which opened in 1929, has been in the Palace of the Dukes of Bragança since 1978, close to the Praça de Camões square and Chaves Town Hall. From 1997 onwards, it became essentially an archaeological museum, and the main museum for the Flaviense Region. Its contents date from between the third millennium BC […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015
Chaves, Industrial Tourism, See

In an area that has been completely remodelled by Chaves City Council and basically used for cultural activities, the Chaves Museum Centre of the National Railway Museum was opened in 2008. This museum centre, managed jointly by Chaves local council and the National Railway Museum Foundation, occupies the former train sheds of the old railway […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015
Chaves, Religious tourism

Museum of Religious Art of the Flaviense Region (Chaves) The museum of Religious Art of the Flaviense Region has stood in the historic centre of the city since 2008, in a building alongside the Mother Church. Inside it displays, conserves and exhibits fundamental aspects of the region’s religious heritage. It has a wide range of […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015

Castle of Monterrei (Monterrei) This fortified area, one of the most important in Galicia, was built over the site of an ancient hill-fort, which in the Middle Ages was converted into a fortress to safeguard the frontier. The area still contains the remnants of walls from this period, together with more modern parapets and bastions, […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015

The castle of Santo Estêvão is in the parish of the same name, and still contains a defensive tower with battlements and narrow windows for archers, and which, together with the tower of the church in the same town, formed a defensive complex for the valley. In 1258, the population of Santo Estêvão received a […]
By tourist on April 4, 2015

The castle of Monforte is situated in what was the former local council of Monforte de Rio Libre, and was built over the remains of a hill-fort in the twelfth century. Destroyed during the wars against León, it was rebuilt by Afonso III, who granted the walled fortifications a charter, transforming it into a town. […]